Author Archives: Matt

Packing for a summer holiday in the UK

Unfortunately as many of us are aware, holidays in the UK often have very unpredictable weather. Even in the height of summer you cannot guarantee that the weather will be warm and dry and therefore you need to consider this when it comes to packing clothing. No one wants to have to take loads of […]

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A holiday to Vancouver, Canada

Vancouver in Canada is a popular destination for tourists all year round. Many people go to Vancouver to discover the beautiful landscapes, snow capped mountains or to have an exhilarating ski experience but there is so much more to do there, that it really is a place for everyone to enjoy. Vancouver is said to […]

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What is the cheapest way to go on holiday?

We all love a good holiday and it can be just the break you need away from work and the daily routines of life. Holidays are often expensive and if you are looking at going abroad, often you will be looking in to the thousands. If you have children and need to go in school […]

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Adventure holiday pre-planning

As for almost any holiday, you need to pre-plan a certain amount to ensure that you have everything you need for your trip. With adventure holidays the pre planning may have to start a little earlier and there is often a lot more to think about and even to pack. Adventure holidays can vary of […]

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Booking your holiday for 2017

With 2017 fast approaching many of us have already booked or are considering booking our holiday for 2017. Booking a holiday well in advance can be stressful for many people as they worry that their situation may change within the next 12 months and that for whatever reason they may not be able to go […]

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