Home » Holidays 2012 » Checking your passport prior to travelling

Checking your passport prior to travelling

You may be surprised at the number of people that book a holiday where they will require their passport without checking that their current one is in date or even without having a passport at all. This can be stressful as well as costly as you can opt for an express service to obtain a new passport but it will cost you and you may have to travel a far way to collect it.


It is recommended that you always keep your passport in date, so should you wish to travel last minute it is one less thing to worry about. If you are sure that your passport is valid, make sure that you locate it and double check as soon as possible. It may be that you have a valid passport to travel on holiday but you have miss-placed it during a move, in which case you will need time to search for it or at worse apply for a new one.